Cancelled Professor Professor

Well, I cancelled the initial consultation with the Professor in Neurology again as I simply cannot afford it. I'm not going to keep pushing forward the appointment when I know we can't afford it.

As the bills keep going up which pushes up all the costs of living, we can afford it less and less so why bother. I'll stick with my current neurologist for the meanwhile who admits to not knowing what is going on and needing the extra help but if it remains as lost, then I'll just stop seeing him too and go without the specialist treatment.

I stopped going to hospital when my neurology mucks up as the hospital here is forbidden from doing anything for me to the point that if it makes me have a cardiac arrest, doctors are forbidden from preventing it but must wait until after the cardiac arrest has finished because the money is not released.

Now to my American friends, our Universal Healthcare System is not universal at all. First pay up without Government help is served first.


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