The Best Thing Just Happened

(11:30am 29 June)

Since moving to the town we live in now, having moved out of Rockhampton, has proven to be quite profitable. Not profitable in the financial sense as the cost of rent here is more than where we were paying before.

No, it has been a good move as the children are happier with better neighbours for one. They certainly have a bit more freedom here as they can wander up to the park to play where as they couldn't where we before.

What just happened now, was a lady came to our house telling us that they walk their dogs past here all the time and that our children(the youngest 3) talk to them and their dogs as they go past, and because they were always so nice and polite, she wanted to give to our children, some toys their children had grown out of.

Rugby league ball, soccer ball, dolls, a pink heart chair, cd player and such.

They are moving house and using their move to discard what they no longer use or need and she was wanting to give them away to children she thought would appreciate them.

How cool is that? 


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