Being naturist parents, we are mindful of those in the clothed communities who pry on children be it for their self gratification of sex, religion or some ideology. So when I read news articles that talks about matters such as politicians wanting to see teenagers convicted as paedophiles for 'sexting' where they send a photo of themselves or others of their own age group, I do feel annoyed, which is why it is important to weed out those groups who portray themselves as naturists to lure young people into sex.
We teach our eldest who is in her early teen years that she is definitely not allowed to send photos of other people who are naked(partially & fully) and to think very carefully before sending any photos of herself due to themselves due to how other people respond in this world where the naked form is treated as a worse offence than selling drugs to children. How sad it is that they discussing nudity and children will upset more people than discussing drugs and children.
To the parents out there, if one of your children decided to send a photo of themselves partly/fully naked be it a sexual pose or just a naturist style naked photo, would you be happy with them facing a life where they are viewed as child sex offender?
Unfortunately, this is the point taken by the Australian Labor Party which is self proclaimed as a 'progressive' political party yet are highly influenced by the Christian Lobby Group who decry anything non-Christian as evil, anything that isn't fully covered as sinful, etc. There is certainly nothing 'progressive' about these two groups. Regressive and repressive are two term which would better suit them.
Courier Mail article
"It has sparked the Australian Privacy Foundation to lobby Mr O'Connor to rule out charging youth for sexting, and not follow US moves, where prosecutors want to charge a teenager with child pornography offences for appearing topless in a text message.
"Several problems emerge from lumping sexting teens into the same category as depraved criminals who inflict harm on minors (and) . . . the most obvious (being) teenagers engaged in sexting are not knowingly harming minors in the same way that traditional child pornographers do," the foundation said in a submission to the inquiry.
"The Queensland Police Service has issued a "number of formal cautions" for sexting under the provisions of the Juvenile Justice Act."
An issue which I will raise and relate to this, is that in Australia, we do not have any judicial right to privacy. There is no law guaranteeing our privacy and anybody can take photos of you in your backyard and display them on the internet, in books, in the media. Yet share such a photo in privacy with a boyfriend/girlfriend and a teenager is at serious risk of losing complete control of their lives for the sake of patting the repressive minds of fundamentalists who view the sight of skin as pure evil.
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