You're Elected to Gov't - Name one of your 1st changes

You are elected to govern. It's your first and you have no political experience and you really want to make changes. To do this, you understand that to create a change in society which you wish to see, you must make changes that would otherwise be viewed as too little to bother about and not important. You understand that by tipping one domino, you move the others along, or by removing or shifting one support post, you can completely shift the structure you are seeking to change.

What would be one of your changes?

For me, I would like to see my nation's community grow to be at ease with their body which should natural, not as this evil naughty thing about to pounce and destroy us all. Many people would aim at stopping the media from portraying people, women and girls, in particular but isn't that just more government interference in our lives as they spread their censorship laws?

No, the answer is simple.

The answer, my friends(see, I'm already talking like a politician) is to make most beaches 'Clothing Optional'. There would be beach locations for those who fear spotting a bit of genitalia scattered around the coastline.

As people become more use to seeing bodies, society would become less hung up. It would not be the best policy for the industries of media, entertainment and religion. People would learn that we do actually come in all shapes and sizes and forms. Society would learn that being naked does not mean that we must have sex.

In the end, we become more relaxed and at ease with ourselves and those around us. Where ever that may be.

Get Naked!


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