Should all public beaches & pools be clothing optional for children?

I took 3 of my children to my local public swimming pool yesterday(Sunday). Now, my children prefer to swim without any swimmers on and so, my nine year old hopped in and swam around naked in the swimming pool.

Nobody said anything and nobody looked upset that my 9 year old was naked in the pool. Last time she hopped in water naked was at a beach which saw a line of parents strip their own children naked and sent them back in the water.

This reminds me of the 1980's where going to the beach in Sydney, it was common to see children up to early pubescent children playing naked at the beach. It was common to see women lay topless at the beach. And, it was common to see both adults and children wash themselves in the outdoor showers while naked. Nobody cared. Nobody was molested for it.

Today, you can barely find any of these outdoor showers and people are more sensitive to seeing genitals yet are more likely to jack off on porn at home, totally confusing being naked as being purely sexual.

Should children be allowed to be naked at all public beaches and swimming pools?


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