Can I Vote Naked?

Well, tomorrow is the 2010 Federal Election for Australia and what a bunch of unrepresentative swill we have to choose from. Yes, I surely do hope that people would consider their Senate vote and stray from the main political parties including the Greens Party.

I am openly supporting the Australian Sex Party because they are one of the few who are against politicians and fundamentalist religious groups from telling people what they can/can't read, write, watch, etc. They aren't supporting this push where politicians decide what content an artist can and can't make.

I have a person supporting a Christian based fundamentalist party, Family First, who supports control of all art amongst billboards and everything else because apparently, having freedom is unGodly and being unGodly will send you to hell. Wow, I should have asked  for a view on being naked.

Imagine Family First controlling the government? Better hide those books and your pagan friends before they burn them on the pyre.


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