I feel like the former Prime Minister, Paul Keating at the moment who held a grin and said something about winning being sweet after winning the election he should have lost because the then Opposition was so bad at campaigning, they turned people against them.
Well, the Australian Federal Election was held on Saturday, 21 August, 2010 where people had a choice of supporting a high taxing, high debt, high censorship driven Labor Party Government who labelled dissenters as being pedophiles or, the Liberal/National Coalition who were against all of above yet are against having an internet that meets the 21st Century.
Now there is no single political party including the Coalition Parties who can form Government in their own right and they must seek to negotiate with Independents and the Greens Party. Ooh, this feels so good and I wish I could see them begging like dogs for the ball to be thrown to them before the other dogs.
With the Greens Party holding the balance of power in the Senate who spoke against internet censorship, with 4 or 5 Independents along with a single Greens Party member holding the balance of power in the House of Representatives(where Government is formed), this motivation to control the content seen on the internet has to have died. I can't see it walking now. I hope I am not jumping the gun but I do believe that this internet control is now dead. I can't see it surviving.
For now at least, I don't fear losing access to naturist sites. I don't have to see access to any website denied because of words like; sex, breast, penis - are excluded. Webpages on breast cancer or sites on puberty won't be blocked by this unwanted filter now. The push to control art will severely hamstrung now too. Life is good.
This is so bloody fantastic. Internet Fascism is DEAD DEAD DEAD!
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