Australian Federal Election 21 August 2010

I am sitting here relaxing with a glass of water after a workout on the Wii Fit Plus. Naked of course. So much easier without dreaded clothing getting in the way of the body and then it dawned on me, the negativity of a Federal Election in Australia. A choice between unrepresentative political parties who, like children with ADHD, beg for your attention and tend to break the furniture in the process.

This blog is not meant to bash you, my dear readers, with political junk however, this is a serious matter for us who prefer to live life without having to hide behind the cottons to feel secure. But we have two people begging to be the Prime Minister after 21 August; Julia Gillard of the Labor Party and, Tony Abbott of the Liberal Party.

Julia Gillard is the incumbent Prime Minister despite never asking people to vote for her as the PM. No, Rudd got the machete in the back after making a promise to resign by October if the polls were still that bad. An atheist, Julia Gillard leads the Labor Party who are highly dominated by the fundamentalist Christian Lobby Group who seek to have the say in what we the people can and cannot view. Yes, we are little children who can't decide for ourselves. They are seeking to fully control the internet. Not only restrict access but to monitor our usage and keep records of our emails. Welcome to New Australia, the new Fascist State.

On other side is the Liberal Party. I really don't know where they stand because they refuse to make any comments. This has me concerned that they really do support such a level of intrusion into our private lives by power mad politicians.

Both sides complain about government controlling the art world. Do you want to see politicians deciding what is and is not art?

This is a form of dissent as well and to have politicians controlling what can and can't be done as art is fascism.

So where does one go from there?

In the Senate, I ask you to consider voting for the Australian Sex Party. They aren't pushing naturism but they aren't against it either. They aren't for telling us what we can and can't do in our own personal time. They respect our right to be truly free and decide for ourselves. And no, I am not a member of the Australian Sex Party.

In times where we are at risk of losing our beaches under the lie of child protection, the lie pushed by politicians who refuse to keep a pedophile in prison, we must vote accordingly and I believe, a vote to the Australian Sex Party is a necessity.


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