Cocktails served at an auction house may sound like a lethal combination but if you add “fabulous fashionistas” and “vintage clothes” to the equation, things quickly sound like a night of pure bliss. Chicago divas with some extra change in their pockets should head to Leslie Hindman Auctioners next week; first on Monday (10am-5pm) for the preview of their vintage clothing and jewelry, then on Wednesday (6pm) for the actual auction. Get to the venue at 5pm for a social hour of “Couture and Cocktails” as department specialist Abigail Rutherford offers a brief disscusioin about incorporating vintage fashion into your current wardrobe. Click
here to view some of the items that’ll be on sale. Paddles at the ready!
When: Wednesday June 13, 2007
Time: 5pm (Cocktail recpetion). 6pm (Auction)
Place: Leslie Hindman Auctioners, 122 North Aberdeen Street, Chicago, IL 60607
Contact: Abigail Rutherford at 312 334 4229 (abigail@lesliehindman.com)
Left to right: Zandra Rhodes Black & Gold Cocktail Dress estimated price, $300-500; Mollie Parnis Aqua Cocktail Dress $100-200; Malcolm Starr Black & White Day Dress $100-200; Nettie Rosenstein Black Velvet Cocktail Dress $200-400
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