Being Fucking Perfect!

How does one manage to be perfect? We in today's society as in yesterday's society and the times before that, have always had to fit into some kind perfect model to fit into. It is after all, part and parcel of being pack animals. That is what we are.

Our society in ways has become sick though like some massive mental illness. There is such an immense amount of noise being rammed into our minds today. Unhealthy images causing all sorts of issues including body images issues where children as young as 6 years old are anorexic. Mostly girls but there are boys now showing these signs as young as 10 years old.

Imagine if we stopped showing unhealthy body images as a norm and went back to seeing a child as being innocent and normal be they naked or dressed. Not that I'm seeking Governments controlling our thoughts and minds for that only makes it worse. No, it is a community response taken away from the dominance of fundamentalism of politics and religion.

The hardest part that must be done first, is learning to shut out all of this noise and learning to just be and being prepared to say to these mobs, "Pull ya bloody head in and piss off!"

The Best Thing Just Happened

(11:30am 29 June)

Since moving to the town we live in now, having moved out of Rockhampton, has proven to be quite profitable. Not profitable in the financial sense as the cost of rent here is more than where we were paying before.

No, it has been a good move as the children are happier with better neighbours for one. They certainly have a bit more freedom here as they can wander up to the park to play where as they couldn't where we before.

What just happened now, was a lady came to our house telling us that they walk their dogs past here all the time and that our children(the youngest 3) talk to them and their dogs as they go past, and because they were always so nice and polite, she wanted to give to our children, some toys their children had grown out of.

Rugby league ball, soccer ball, dolls, a pink heart chair, cd player and such.

They are moving house and using their move to discard what they no longer use or need and she was wanting to give them away to children she thought would appreciate them.

How cool is that? 

Australian Nudist Survey

There is a survey going around for nudists in Australia. This looks like the first survey in Australia seeking information on who, what and where are. If you live in Australia and are a naturist, please follow the link and respond to the details.

Survey by, SkinClad - LINK

May the holidays begin

Two weeks of mid year school holidays are here as of today here in Queensland. One of our daughters will be having a friend of hers staying over for a few days which keep her busy at least.

Toastmasters responsibilities begins to fade for me here as the Club Committee Handover is on Tuesday 28 June where I will no longer hold a committee position but my wife will continue with a different position. I have been on the committee for three years continuous with three different positions so a break is much appreciated.

The weather is nice as you feel the Sun telling us here in the tropic of Capricornia that he's coming back. So are the flowers, bees, wasps and hayfever telling me.

Winter Weather Report & Nudie Run

No words are just need. Just watch the video. :)

Click Here!

Skinny-dippers grin and bare it in record attempt

Somewhere I would like to be. Going for a skinny dip in the beach to help break a world record.


"Four hundred people stripped naked and plunged into the sea off Wales on Sunday in an attempt to break the world record for the biggest skinny-dip.

"The swimmers came from across the UK to brave the chill waters of Rhossili beach, on the Gower peninsula.

"The existing record is believed to stand at 250 naked bathers in one location, and organisers plan to submit today's event to adjudicators at Guinness World Records in an attempt to claim the title."

Cancelled Professor Professor

Well, I cancelled the initial consultation with the Professor in Neurology again as I simply cannot afford it. I'm not going to keep pushing forward the appointment when I know we can't afford it.

As the bills keep going up which pushes up all the costs of living, we can afford it less and less so why bother. I'll stick with my current neurologist for the meanwhile who admits to not knowing what is going on and needing the extra help but if it remains as lost, then I'll just stop seeing him too and go without the specialist treatment.

I stopped going to hospital when my neurology mucks up as the hospital here is forbidden from doing anything for me to the point that if it makes me have a cardiac arrest, doctors are forbidden from preventing it but must wait until after the cardiac arrest has finished because the money is not released.

Now to my American friends, our Universal Healthcare System is not universal at all. First pay up without Government help is served first.

Public Nudity Unfair On Others?

I've taken the post title from the headline of the Opinion piece from someone who clearly is not comfortable with being without clothing.


"Some people look away, some people will just smile back. Some people will stop and have a conversation."

"He also says he is out "pushing boundaries".

"He says he has also biked nude through Matapihi.

"Why should anyone have to be confronted by this naked man? Is he trying to be provocative?

"Police were right to have warned him. Most of us wear clothes and the fact remains that children could witness Mr Pointon's behaviour.

"The council is unable to provide areas for nude recreation and suggests Mr Point join a private naturist group or visit a privately run camp.

"This is good advice.

"Mr Pointon is being selfish and should put some clothes on when in public areas where others are likely to be."

Nudists call for Coast beach sites

Yes, the 'Free Beach Association' is trying once again to get Queensland's first legal beach. They tried previously along the Sunshine Coast after their Mayor promised to support it, only to refuse to offer any support. Typical politician. As usual, cowering to Christian Fundies who scream blue murder to burn the closest witch for a spot of fun.

This time, they are looking at the Gold Coast. A good spot too I guess as the massive growth of population there comes from emigration from New South Wales, Victoria and of course, from overseas.

Looking the comments, there appears to be more public support being voiced as printed in the medias but those Victorian era people who probably cover up their table legs to save ejaculation from an over excited male, are at it again with their uneducated and at times, quite ignorant comments like it attractive perverts. Guess we better shut down organised religion then.

This article comes from, Gold Coast. LINK

"THE embattled Couran Cove resort and secluded areas of The Spit have been identified as ideal locations for the Gold Coast's first official nude beach.
"One of Australia's leading nudist advocates, Runaway Bay's Les Rootsey, says the city is missing out on a lucrative tourist market because nude beaches are illegal in Queensland.
"Dr Rootsey said the Australian Free Beach Association had been battling for more than 30 years to change the law.
"Queensland has the most ideal nude beach climate," he said.
"There are a couple of unofficial nude beaches in Queensland at Noosa, Cairns and Mackay."

Any Reason to Ban Nudity

We all know of the kind of people who are scared of the naked form but most likely, use the concept of the natural body as bad to control the masses for their own political control of other peoples minds. No free thought is allowed for free thought frees the masses of their rule.

My mate from, "All Nudist" gives one such fine example where there is a move to ban public nudity on the lie that it causes public masturbation. No credible psychologist would confirm that this deceitful argument is correct either.

These mugs usually hide behind the two fear mongering reasoning of; 'In the name of God' and, "For the sake of the children". Despots used the latter argument rather affectively. And sadly, we know the history of organised religion who hide behind the virtues of God to enforce their sickness.

In this case, it is the Madison Council in the USA. If you haven't already, take a stroll by the naturist blog, 'All Nudist' to look through this article. LINK

Losing Neighbours

We have enjoyed living here since moving in October last year for several reasons, one of the major reasons being having good neighbours. The next door neighbour especially.

Sadly, they are moving. At the end of this week I believe and will have an empty house a for a week or two before getting new neighbours. We are hoping that we get good neighbours as it only takes one mongrel to destroy the atmosphere for everybody.

Our 3 youngest will also lose a good friend who they play with. Our 10 year old daughter especially who is good friends with the 11 or is it 12 year old boy. She has other friends around her age here though which is good for her. Not a total loss.

Let's just hope that we get good neighbours.