I know many of you are still on cloud nine following Tuesday night's
election results. It still seems so surreal. Now that we have a new and greatly improved president and first family waiting in the wings, the talks must be underway for Michelle Obama to cover Vogue magazine.
Traditionally, the December issue features the new first lady (and in some cases the first kids). According to a spokesperson from the fashion magazine:
"Starting with Eleanor Roosevelt, it's been a long-standing tradition to photograph the new first lady. So needless to say, we are very interested in working with Mrs. Obama. Precisely how is still being discussed."If Michelle accepts the offer she'll become only the
fourth black non-model woman to become a Vogue
covergirl. Former first lady and Democratic senator Hillary
Rodham Clinton also appeared on the front page of the December 1998 edition. Can't wait to see Michelle
strike a pose!