Although the book is filled with tips to help you get your man, the authors forewarn, that the book is not intended to send women back into the kitchen. "When we first decided to write this book, it was solely based on our love of three things, food, fun, and men. Being three single career-oriented women living in New York, we didn't need (or want) to cook. There's a restaurant, deli, and take-out place on every block. We knew that in order to keep a man in a place as big as New York City, with so many beautiful women to choose from, we had to step up our game and ask ourselves what are we bringing to the table that separates us from the others? Yes, we're all beautiful, intelligent, and educated, but so are the millions of other women waiting to take our places." Never were truer words spoken.
If you like what you see here, head over to the Get ‘Em Girls three official sites. The main site (launching soon) will feature regular articles on everything ranging from food, business, fashion, beauty, technology and health. Their MySpace page keeps you up to date on all the Get ‘Em Girl happenings and finally their blog, updated daily, offers the latest musings on life, entertainment and culture. See below for how to find out about their future events including the Girls Bite Out 2008!